Washington DC Press Releases
(WashingtonDC.CityRegions.Com, March 31, 2016 ) Baltimore, MD -- Harm reduction is continually attacked by the public and officials as a sanction for substance use and abuse- Drug Rehab Baltimore says harm reduction strategies serve the opposite end. Newly proposed consumption rooms, where addicts can go to safe, medically monitored centers are met with scrutiny and are among those outside of the addiction treatment community. Drug Rehab Baltimore asserts consumption rooms to offer protection from potentially fatal overdoses, and give addicts the chance to pursue addiction treatment. Addiction treatment is veiled in stigma, many who are in need of treatment will not approach treatment centers because they are shameful of their substance use disorder, according to Drug Rehab Baltimore.
The addiction treatment facility asserts consumption rooms will help prevent the spread of communicable diseases and dethrone local drug dealers and illicit traffickers. An associate from the drug and alcohol treatment facility says: "Consumption rooms are the next big step in addiction treatment. Having access to clients in an environment that is more natural to their particular circumstances of addiction will give new insight to addiction professionals on how to best approach addiction, and gives facilities larger access to the population in need to rehabilitation. Reducing the statistics of those who get treatment for addiction- which is one out of ten addicts- is absolutely essential in lessening crime, curbing the spread of communicable diseases, and rectifying substance use disorders as a disease in the public eye, and for those actively struggling to stay afloat of the disease."
Drug Rehab Baltimore offers inpatient medical detox, residential rehabilitation, outpatient rehabilitation, and partial hospitalization treatment and accepts most major insurance coverages. The facility offers 24 hour medical and psychiatric treatment. Treatment is individualized and offers extensive aftercare planning, prevention treatment, family counseling, and progressive cognitive behavioral therapy to remedy the major causes of addiction. The treatment center specializes in heroin rehab in Baltimore and drug rehab in Baltimore.
For more information about Drug Rehab Baltimore visit http://drugrehabbaltimore.net/ or call (410)709-3816.
About Drug Rehab Baltimore 21117: Drug Rehab Baltimore offers inpatient medical detox, residential rehabilitation, outpatient rehabilitation, and partial hospitalization treatment and accepts most major insurance coverages. The facility offers 24 hour medical and psychiatric treatment.
Drug Rehab Baltimore 21117
Drug Rehab Baltimore Drug Rehab Baltimore
Source: EmailWire.Com
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