Washington DC Press Releases
(WashingtonDC.CityRegions.Com, October 16, 2015 ) Springfield, Virginia (VA) -- For the most part, Play Basics receives customer feedback two different ways. One is by reviews and the other is via email. There are two main types of reviews that Play Basics managers consider: product reviews and seller feedback. These reviews can be left by anyone who has an Amazon account, however, the most valuable and informative ones are left by actual customers who have purchased Play Basics' children's doctor set. Occasionally, Play Basics receives emails from customers and potential customers. The email messages arrive via two separate fronts. One is through Amazon wherein users can send a message to Play Basics by accessing their store front webpage and the other way is by sending a message via the Contact form on their website.
As of 13 October 2015, Play Basics has received 16 five star product reviews and 1 four star product review. Product reviews generally arrive one to two times per week by people who have purchased the children's doctor set. These reviews are marked as "Verified Purchase." The company has established an auto responder system which automatically sends up to three emails to customers after an order is complete; two of the emails request the customer to leave a product review. Some customers also provide seller feedback which conveys the quality of service provided by a seller. Play Basics has received several five star reviews of this type as well.
The managers of Play Basics hold a meeting once a week solely for the purpose of discussing the comments, questions and suggestions posed in the latest reviews and email messages. Decisions are made regarding how issues should be resolved, if any, and how positive comments can be used to drive more traffic to the children’s doctor set product page on Amazon. "We believe in a relationship with the customer that extends far beyond the sale; we are grateful for the business that people bring to us," said the CEO.
About Play Basics
Play Basics which is based in Springfield, Virginia, is a booming American family owned brand that caters to the imagination of children by introducing captivating children's products.
Play Basics
Sam Aaron
Source: EmailWire.Com
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