Washington DC Press Releases
(WashingtonDC.CityRegions.Com, September 09, 2015 ) Springfield, Virginia (VA) -- In an effort to manufacture competitively priced high quality products for customers, such as their flagship product, the kids doctor kit, Play Basics has determined that alliances with entities within the United States and overseas are required. Such entities include suppliers, manufacturers, advertisers, inspectors and copywriters. For Play Basics, the process of selecting entities with whom to partner with is a lengthy process and certain aspects of the process are continuous. For example, Play Basics is constantly seeking out manufacturers who can provide the necessary material and products at a lower cost or of higher quality.
To select a manufacturer for their flagship product Play Basics placed several advertisements in local and international channels to attract interested businesses. Several manufacturers, wholesalers, and suppliers responded with an offer to form a long term relationship. They presented products and services that they currently provide or manufacture and followed up with a formal response to the advertisement. Play Basics carefully evaluated every response by inspecting and extensively testing the wide range of sample products that were presented. Once a short list of potential partners was finalized, Play Basics informed the concerned parties and presented an alliance offer to each one. The offer included a timeline of essential milestones and a detailed overview of all financial aspects of the partnership.
After several counter offers from shortlisted businesses, the manufacturer with the highest quality product was finally selected. "At Play Basics, we understand that quality can not be sacrificed," said Craig Hayworth, Product Manager at Play Basics. The relationship agreement sparked the commencement of several projects including product packaging design, formulation of a quality assurance plan, third party inspector selection, and copywriter selection.
About Play Basics
Play Basics, based in Springfield, Virginia, is an emerging company that caters to the imagination of children by introducing captivating children's products.
Play Basics
Sam Aaron
Source: EmailWire.Com
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